My new blog will be all about houseplants and how to care for them. I feel that I have a good bit of knowledge to share about houseplants and indoor gardening, which I have gleaned from both my personal experiences with individual plants, and from reading books on the subject. There are many plants I would love to own and care for because of their uniqueness or availability....
Plants such as Living Stones (Lithops species) are rare and unique to watch as they grow. Living stones are a cacti/succulent plant that stores its own water and has a small, compact root system. They originate from the arid, dry regions of Africa, and are called the 'Mimicry plant' because of their remarkable likeness to actual stones. Botanists from the 17th century had trouble recognizing Lithops plants for what they were, believing them to be just another stone on the ground. It was not until some of the plants were walked upon and destroyed that they realized they were living plants! Luckily, I was able to find my own living stones, and have since been enjoying them immensely!
I am not a professional plant horticulturalist by any means, but have had great success with many plants, including Spider Plant, Peace Lily, Aloe Vera, and Philodendron. The purpose of my blog will be to document my journey with houseplants, and I will discuss their care and upkeep, watering requirements, etc. As I acquire/come into contact with more plants, I will let you all know about that when it occurs!
If anyone has any questions for me about their plant, let me know -- and I will do my best to help you find solutions to your plant problems!
Let's do what we can to keep our houseplants looking great!